Sunday, May 17, 2009

Because it's supposed to...

"I trust that everything happens for a reason, even when we're not wise enough to see it." -- Oprah Winfrey

It has recently come to my attention, even more so than usual, that everything in life happens because it's supposed to happen. This includes bad things, good things, funny things, tragic things, miraculous things...what have you. Whether by some domino effect, karmic energy, plain old cause and effect, or because the godesses/gods willed it to be so, everything happens for a reason. We may not see it yet, and it may be decades down the road before we do...but it always holds true. Maybe it's teaching us something about ourselves and allowing us to grow as individuals, helping us understand others, or even just letting life work its natural process. In the end, everything works. It always has, and it always will.

About 1 year and 1 week ago, something horribly crappy happened. On my way to work one fine, Spring morning at about 5:30, I was eating my morning veggie corndog and listening to the radio. The next thing I knew, my car was in the middle of the road and there was a car stuck in my passenger door and two other cars with serious damage to my left. A lady came and held my hand through the driver's side window, which had been broken completely, as my airbags deflated. "What the hell just happened," I thought to myself. It was truly a scene out of a nightmare. There were pieces of cars all over the road and my passenger side door was caved in at least 2-3 feet. Even though I felt fine (other than being in total shock), I had to be rushed to the hospital by ambulance because the paramedics thought there was NO WAY I could have been ok internally by how severely totaled my car was. The worst part about the whole thing is that I can not remember the accident at all (maybe that's not such a bad thing). According to witnesses, I fell asleep at the wheel which resulted in a 4 car accident. Needless to say, my lovely VW Beetle was history. But the most important thing was that NO ONE was injured. I, and everyone else involved, was miraculously ok. Everyone was amazed that the only injuries I suffered were a concussion, a couple bruises, and a scratch on my leg.

So how could this horrible accident POSSIBLY have been good for me...what the hell is the reason that anything like that would happen? 1) I totaled my car...this, believe it or not, was a good thing. My car payments were over $415 a month (it was brand new), and if I hadn't have totaled my car completely, I never would have been able to afford moving out of my Mom's house (which was ABSOLUTELY necessary for everyone involved) and living on my own. 2) The cause of my "falling asleep at the wheel" was a medication I was taking. Immediately after my accident, I stopped taking that medication and I have been feeling a million times better/more awake/less irritable throughout the day ever since. It was really a good thing. 3) I'm alive. The accident probably could have killed me, and should have at least caused serious injuries. But I came away unscathed (as did everyone else THANK GOD...I was so much more concerned about everyone else than myself). Why? Because I'm supposed to be here. And for that, I am really grateful.

So even though this isn't the best example (it's not too shabby though), it kinda shows that even the things we think are so shitty at the time usually help us in one way or another in the end. And every day I am seeing this more and more as I continue to live my life and enjoy my time here on this beautiful planet. I've been pretty depressed lately (for like 3 weeks nonstop), but then I remembered how wonderful and special life is...and things are lookin' up finally. Can't wait to keep on truckin'!

Until next time, live each day like your last.
Peace, love, and happiness!

1 comment:

  1. if you ever read my blog :P you might be interested on my posts on pain and how it can positively affect your life:

    so grateful that your painful experience left you alive! ~hugs~
